Organizing your local datasource (Hard way)

Data for LTPA has two parts: the .pkl file containing the streamline mapping for a single subject and the corresponding metadata. The streamline mapping is a pickled TrackDataset object. It contains the mapping from voxel \((i,j,k)\) index to a set of id’s referencing the streamlines that pass through the voxel.

Metadata provides information about the person whose white matter is stored in the pkl - their age, gender, brain injuries, etc. dsi2 stores paths and metadata for local data in a .json file.


When beginning a project, the first step should be to create this json file. Run DSI Studio and connectome mapper to process the raw data and make sure the files are placed in the locations specified in the json file. Streamline labels can be created by dsi2 based on the paths in the json file.

Here is an example local_data.json

      "scan_id": "subj1",
      "length_min": 10,
      "pkl_trk_path": "subj1/subj1.Louvain.nsm.MNI.trk",
      "cutoff_angle": 55,
      "scan_group": "control",
      "qa_threshold": 1.0,
      "smoothing": 0.0,
      "length_max": 400,
      "gfa_threshold": 0,
      "reconstruction": "qsdr",
      "trk_space": "qsdr",
      "study": "example study",
      "attributes": {
          "handedness": "R",
          "weight": 190
      "pkl_path": "subj1/subj1.Louvain.nsm.MNI.pkl",
      "trk_file": "subj1/QSDR.100000.nsm.trk",
      "software": "DSI Studio",
      "track_scalars": [],
      "track_labels": [
              "name": "Lausanne",
              "parameters": {
                  "scale": 33,
                  "dilation": 2
              "notes": "",
              "graphml_path": "lausanne2008/resolution83/resolution83.graphml",
              "numpy_path": "subj1/subj1.scale33.thick2.npy",
              "volume_path": "atlases/subj1/scale33.thick2.nii.gz"
              "name": "Lausanne",
              "parameters": {
                  "scale": 60,
                  "dilation": 2
              "notes": "",
              "graphml_path": "lausanne2008/resolution150/resolution150.graphml",
              "numpy_path": "subj1/subj1.thick2.npy",
              "volume_path": "atlases/subj1/scale60.thick2.nii.gz"

Basic information

The following fields are all optional except for scan_id and scan_group

A unique identifier for this dataset
Minimum streamline length in millimeters
Maximum streamline length in millimeters
The pickled streamline mapping object
Path to the trackvis .trk file used to create the hashed pkl file
Maximum turning angle used in tracking
To which experimental group does this data belong (eg “control” or “tbi”)
QA threshold used during tracking
DSI Studio smoothing parameter
How was the diffusion data reconstructed?
Which coordinate system is the trk file in?
An identifier for the study this person was a part of
A dictionary of attributes for this subject. Key/value pairs could include handedness, weight, gender, scores on questionnaires, etc
Path to the original trackvis formatted file
Software used to reconstruct DWI and/or perform tractography

Streamline Labels

Since the TrackDataset object maps from voxel to streamline ID, it is easy to store a label value for each streamline ID. Labels can be defined based on which regions the streamline connects.

It is useful to have multiple labels per streamline. For instance, you might have multiple resolutions of an atlas and want to have access to the streamlines’ labels under each resolution. That is why this field is a list of objects describing a single labeling.

A name identifying which family of atlases these labels come from
A place to store notes about this set of labels
If the regions have labels, they should be stored in a graphml file like those included in the connectome mapping toolkit.
The labels are stored in a numpy file on disk.
path to the nifti file that contains the regions for this labeling scheme. It should be in the same space (ie qsdr/MNI/native) as the trk file “trk_space”.
key/value pairs that describe this version of the atlas. For example the Lausanne family of atlases has a range of “scale” parameters.

Creating streamline labels

Assuming DSI Studio and Connectome Mapper ran successfully, you can pass your json file to a LocalDataImporter:

from dsi2.ui.local_data_importer import LocalDataImporter

ldi = LocalDataImporter(json_file="path/to/file.json")

This will “fill-in” the missing files from your json. If only trk files and nii files exist, it will create the pkl files and produce numpy files for each atlas in the “track_labels” list. Alternatively, you could call the edit_traits() method on ldi and check your configuration visually.